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Roger and Angie's News August 2023

Whilst in Cornwall in June, we both enjoyed time to reflect and read, and to dream a little.

We spent some of our time discovering a Cornish Celtic pilgrim's way, which was inspiring. The ancient Irish saints were so hungry to share the difference Jesus makes and Karen Lowe's book, Wild Wanderings, is equally inspiring yet contemporary, with a call to 'walk the land carrying His presence'- what does that look like where we are?

Lee Abbey Knowle West

We took on the interim co-leadership of Lee Abbey Knowle West (small missional community) from 1st April and have appreciated a quieter season in the community, as we look for new members and adapt to what this looks like practically and what 'our style' is. We are so thankful to be part of the Lee Abbey Movement, with it's rich resource and support base, and highly value our Local Support Group, as well as those who pray for us.

We hosted a quiet day for a local charity that works with vulnerable women in April, and an inner city PCC for their vision day in May.

We host a worship and prayer night once a month called Embers. We had live worship leaders for the first time this month, which was immensely refreshing. Angie also finds refreshment at South Bristol House of Prayer on Thursdays (Roger also goes once a month), we take Fridays off together, and have 24 hours away per month for retreat.

Roger enjoys being a part of guitar club on a Monday evening at the Cairn, the church we are involved with locally. He also goes to Man Friday once a month, where the men meet and chat then watch a short film about Jesus' life (Lumo at present) and discuss it.

Angie is serving at Food Bank regularly, delivers food for Food Club once a week and manages a listening support service for parents (Parent Buddies). We both enjoy serving at Messy Church at the local Anglican church once a month.

She and two other local ladies have been running a Creative Encounters group through August, where we are learning how to connect with God through creativity.

We had a garden work party last weekend which went well.

Coronation lunch provided by the Filwood Community Centre

We thoroughly enjoyed serving refreshments and being a part of this year's Coronation, Knowle West Style and at the Knowle West Fest, which was a day full of fun, with local bands, market stalls, workshops and a parade.

Since our community market sadly stopped in March, there have been three community events this year and we love being a part of them.

We are excited at the prospect of our household growing to capacity (maximum 6). We are pleased to be interviewing another couple we know and appreciate in early September, who are working at Lee Abbey Devon at present and have a heart to serve and build community on urban estates


Over the summer term, Roger has had a lighter touch approach to facilitating the Together4Bristol spheres. The Arts and Media spheres had a fun gathering in May for about 50 creatives called the Art of StoryTelling

Roger has researched and prepared resources, including a course, called Reframe, which he will be piloting soon. The course helps us explore God's story, connects it with the stories of our city, sphere of life, and our individual stories, to help us find our purpose!

He has also started a long-term project to research a book about pioneering in Bristol and beyond in the last 40 years or so, looking at God's story, Bristol's story, Your story!

He has been enjoying training as a Spiritual Director (or Companion). This is deeply enriching what he can offer alongside his coaching and mentoring work.

The 100 Friends Appeal to cover the running of the T4B website, is building up support. We have over a quarter of costs covered so far, which is encouraging.

So, it is a rather full season as we adapt to co-leading Lee Abbey Knowle West, with all the practicalities and administration that entails, and we are stretched and raised to new levels of responsibility. We appreciate your interest, friendship and support.


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